Working Of Blockchain : Explained

Working Of Blockchain : Explained

Posted by: admin | 13 Jul 2022

Working Of Blockchain : Explained

The three important aspects of Blockchain are;

  • Blocks
  • Nodes 
  • Miner

Block :

A nonce is a 32-bit whole number. When a block is constructed, the nonce is generated at random, which produces the block header hash.

A 256-bit number called the hash is attached to the nonce. It has to begin with a tonne of zeroes .

The cryptographic hash is produced by a nonce at the beginning of a chain. Unless it is mined, the data in the block is regarded as signed and permanently bound to the nonce and hash.


Decentralization is one of the key ideas behind blockchain technology. The chain cannot be owned by any one computer or entity. Instead, it functions as a distributed ledger through the network’s chain of nodes. Any type of electrical equipment that saves copies of the blockchain and keeps the network running can be a node.

Every node has a unique copy of the blockchain, and for the chain to be updated, trusted, and confirmed, the network must algorithmically approve every freshly mined block.

Every action in the ledger can be easily reviewed and examined since blockchains are transparent. An exclusive alphanumeric identification number is supplied to each participant, and this number displays their transactions


The blockchain is able to maintain accuracy and foster user trust by fusing public information with a system of checks and balances. Blockchains are essentially the scalability of trust through technology.


Mining is the process through which miners add new blocks to the chain.

Every block on a blockchain has its own distinct nonce and hash, but it also refers to the hash of the block before it in the chain, making it difficult to mine a block, especially on long chains.

Finding a nonce that produces an approved hash is a pretty difficult arithmetic issue, and miners employ specialised software to solve it. 

Since the hash is 256 bits but the nonce is just 32 bits, it takes around four billion nonce-hash combinations to get the correct one. Miners claim to have found the “golden nonce” at that point, and their block is added to the chain.

Any block earlier in the chain can only be edited by re-mining every block following it, not simply the one containing the modification. Because of this, it is very challenging to abuse blockchain technology. Since identifying golden nonces takes a lot of effort and processing power.

When a block is successfully mined, the modification is acknowledged by all of the network’s nodes, and the miner gets paid.